Boy who raped underage girl ordered to remain in reform school until he’s 21

Boy who raped underage girl ordered to remain in reform school until he’s 21. A magistrate, who sent a boy to the Henry Gurney reform school for statutory rape of a girl until she became pregnant, said the order was made because the accused lacks proper support from his family.
Muhammad Noor Firdaus Rosli said the neglect by his family allowed the boy to decide what was best for himself before he knew right from wrong.
“Worse, the blessing of the family could be the very reason why the offence was committed in the first place,” Noor said in his 24-page written judgment.
The magistrate, who presided in the Children’s Court, said he noted from the boy’s demeanour that he had not displayed any remorse.
The boy was charged four months ago and pleaded guilty last month. The court heard the mitigation put forward by the boy and his parents.
The boy, who was 16 years and nine months old, committed the offence on the girl, who was 15 years and six months old, on Dec 17 last year at a housing area in Seri Kembangan.
Medical examination revealed that the victim was pregnant but it was abnormal, resulting in a surgery to remove the foetus.
Both had been having an affair for two years and had been having sex at her house.
The magistrate said the boy was fortunate that he was saved by his age as the punishment would be a minimum 10 years and up to 30 years imprisonment plus mandatory whipping if he was an adult.
“I believe the child needs to be placed in an environment conducive to his reform as well as to repress further crime,” he said.
Taking into consideration the spirit of the Child Act 2001, the principles of laws and the facts of the case, along with the advice of the advisers, the probation report and the submission of the deputy public prosecutor, Noor said he found the appropriate order was to have the boy sent to Henry Gurney School in Telok Mas, Melaka, until he reached the age of 21.
He also imposed an additional condition that any of his parents or guardians should visit him once a month.
He said the probation report suggested that the boy be released on a bond of good behaviour as he had attended school up to Form Two before working to help his family financially, as a security guard prior to his arrest, apart from selling scrap metal that earned him RM1,400 a month.
From the report, he never gave any problems to his family.
“It is glaring from the report that the child was accorded a treatment of an adult way before he was entitled to it and he was free not to attend school.
“To my shock and surprise, the boy’s and the victim’s families gave their blessing for them to have a relationship that ended with pregnancy and a commission of an offence,” he added.
Boy who raped underage girl ordered to remain in reform school until he’s 21
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