Student taking upskirt photos kneel down after getting caught red-handed
Student taking upskirt photos
kneel down after getting caught red-handed
A perpetrator’s nightmare is getting caught red-handed, regardless of what he’s doing. Recently, a student at a local university in Klang Valley was caught on the spot for taking upskirt images of a female student.
In a couple of videos shared by the Facebook page UTAR Confessions (no, it did not happen there as stated in the first paragraph of the caption), a male student (in a light brown sweater) is seen taking an upskirt photo of a female student when she was occupied with her tasks at hand. He casually walked past the female student and headed to the door while having his phone facing under the woman’s skirt.
The man in black immediately grabbed the perpetrator’s phone before he could leave the scene
Little did he know, his act was noticed by another male student who was seated near the woman, and he immediately grabbed the perpetrator’s phone before he could exit the scene.
“This is the reason why some girls are not friendly with some of the guys they see. It’s already the 21st century and such things are still happening,” the caption reads.
In another video shared on a different post, the perpetrator is seen caught in his act, and he looks like he’s really in fear. A man grabbed him by his hand and demanded the password of his phone.
“I admit, I admit,” the perpetrator said before immediately kneeling down.
Screenshot 2023 05 02 121617
“Now that you’ve admitted, let’s go then,” the man said before dragging him along. A nearby woman was also heard saying that she was calling the police.
At the time of writing, the police have yet to provide any updates on the matter.
Regardless, we do hope that the perpetrator will receive fair punishment for what he did. Kudos to the men for jumping into action. As for the ladies, do reach out to the authorities if you find yourself sexually harassed, regardless of where you are. WB
Student taking upskirt photos
kneel down after getting caught red-handed
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