Court sets 11-day trial for Muhyiddin’s Jana Wibawa case
Court sets 11-day trial for Muhyiddin’s Jana Wibawa case

KUALA LUMPUR: The sessions court here has fixed an 11-day trial, starting Sept 17, to hear former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s Jana Wibawa case.
Judge Azura Alwi fixed the hearing dates from Sept 17 to 19, Oct 6 to 8, Nov 26 to 27, and Jan 13 to 15, 2026.
Deputy public prosecutor Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin said the prosecution plans to call up 30 witnesses during the trial.
Muhyiddin’s lawyer, Chetan Jethwani, requested that witness statements for key witnesses be provided to the defence at least four weeks before the trial begins.
“It’s unfair to receive witness statements on short notice,” he said.
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The prosecution then agreed to provide statements for formal witnesses and crucial witnesses two and three weeks before the trial, respectively.
Azura also granted the temporary release of Muhyiddin’s passport from today until March 3 for him to attend a conference in Belgium.
The court set May 14 for the next case management.
Muhyiddin, 77, was charged with abusing his power as prime minister between Feb 8 and Aug 20, 2021 in connection with the Jana Wibawa programme by seeking to obtain RM232.5 million for his party Bersatu.
Muhyiddin, the Perikatan Nasional chairman, also faces two charges of receiving money from illegal activities, amounting to RM195 million from Bukhary Equity, which was deposited in Bersatu’s CIMB Bank account.
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He was also charged in the Shah Alam sessions court on March 13, 2023 with receiving money from illegal activities amounting to RM5 million. The case was transferred to the Kuala Lumpur sessions court for a joint trial.
Muhyiddin faces seven charges in total.
Court sets 11-day trial for Muhyiddin’s Jana Wibawa case
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