87 education institutions being used as flood evacuation centres nationwide
87 education institutions being used as flood evacuation centres nationwide
Eighty-seven education institutions are currently operating as temporary evacuation centres for flood victims, according to the Education Ministry.
In a statement today, the ministry said 18 other institutions, involving 16 primary schools and two secondary schools are still flooded.
On the other hand, eight education institutions previously affected by the floods are now waiting to be properly cleaned up before they can operate again.
“Based on the Education Ministry’s statement dated Dec 24, the school session will begin on Jan 9 for states under Category A, while schools under Category B will start school on Jan 10. However, for education institutions that are not under the Education Ministry, they will resume operations once they are ready to do so.
“The ministry will continue to monitor and update the list of affected schools by flood or those used as flood relief centres every Wednesday.
“The list will be updated according to the current situation and therefore there may be addition or decrease in the number of operational education institutions every week,” the statement read.
The eight education institutions that are no longer affected by flood, but have yet to resume operation are in Pahang and Selangor, with four in each state.
The 18 education institutions that are still being affected by the flood are in Sabah (nine institutions), Pahang (seven) and Johor (two).
As for the 87 institutions currently operating as flood relief centres, the ministry said Pahang had the most at 26, followed by Johor and Melaka (18 each), Negri Sembilan (14), Sabah (10) and Kuala Lumpur (one). Nst
87 education institutions being used as flood evacuation centres nationwide
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