JPJ cameras see 10,355 vehicles beating red lights during Raya

JPJ cameras see 10,355 vehicles beating red lights during Raya

More than 35,600 speeding offences were recorded on the AWAS traffic cameras by the road transport department (JPJ) during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri holidays.

Some 1.5 million vehicles passed through AWAS cameras at traffic lights, with 10,355 vehicles recorded to have beaten the red light.

A JPJ spokesman said a total of 4.7 million vehicles were detected and recorded on the cameras on highways during the seven days of the Hari Raya traffic operation, conducted from April 29.

“Offences such as speeding and beating the red light detected through AWAS cameras are among the five major offences recorded. They are subject to court action and cannot be compounded.”

Offenders can be fined up to RM2,000 on conviction, he said.

Road users who committed both offences (speeding and red light violation) will be served with four demerit points for each offence. Demerit points can lead to the suspension or revocation of a driver’s licence.

JPJ urged all road users to comply with the regulations to ensure the safety of all, and eventually help reduce road accidents and deaths on the road. FMT

JPJ cameras see 10,355 vehicles beating red lights during Raya

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