Malaysian Passport Ranked 14th Most Powerful In The World
Malaysian Passport Ranked 14th Most Powerful In The World
The Malaysian passport has been named the world’s 14th most powerful passport.
According to a report by Henley & Partners in their The Henley Passport Index: Q1 2023 Global Ranking, not only is the Malaysian passport the 14th most powerful in the world, but also the 2nd most powerful in Southeast Asia.
This is due to the fact that the Malaysian passport has access to 179 countries, just behind the Singaporean passport with access to 192 countries.
Ranking 1st globally, for the 5th year in a row, is the Japanese passport with access to an astonishing 193 countries Visa Free, out of 227 countries and ranking 3rd in Southeast Asia is Brunei as their passport has access to 166 countries that can be visited Visa Free.
The study was conducted on 199 countries has been considered a ‘standard’ reference for global citizens and sovereign nations when assessing the position of passports in the spectrum of global mobility.
The Henley Passport Index is also an index of the worldwide ranking of passports by the number of countries the passport holder can visit Visa Free and Visa on Arrival.
They have also based the study on data obtained from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
Malaysian Passport Ranked 14th Most Powerful In The World
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