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National Unity Action Plan aims to enhance unity based on Rukun Negara

National Unity Action Plan aims to enhance unity based on Rukun Negara

The National Unity Action Plan 2021-2030 is the government’s effort to restore the original aspiration of unity as enshrined in the Rukun Negara (National Principles).

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the Rukun Negara, which was declared and adopted on Aug 31, 1970, is the essential document that outlined the way of life for Malaysians to forge greater unity among the multiracial and multi-religious communities in the country.

“This is not a plan with mere words written on a piece of paper. It is an action plan which outlined a planned modus operandi based on five important thrusts,” he said in his speech at the launch of the plan, here today.

Apart from preserving the constitutional monarchy and democracy, Ismail Sabri said the other four thrusts of the plan are creating a community that appreciates and embraces unity; empowering a fair and inclusive socio-economy; ensuring openness and toleration towards different races, traditions and cultures; as well as building a progressive community through science, technology and innovation.

“The plan was formulated to suit and is based on the capability of the institutions at all layers namely the federal level, state and grassroots.

“This will subsequently benefit the people in terms of education, economy, welfare, welfare, socio-culture, science, technology and innovation.

“Therefore, I call upon the cooperation of all parties including government agencies, the private sector and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to be the driver and implementation agency of the action plan and sit together as one big family,” he said.

Cooperation from all parties, said Ismail Sabri, is also imperative, to not only create a more organised and inclusive livelihood but also enhance unity and harmony of the people irrespective of their race and religion.

“This is what I hope for in deliberating unity when I launched the Keluarga Malaysia in Sarawak on Oct 23,” he said referring to the launch of the Yayasan Keluarga Malaysia.

At the same event today, Ismail Sabri also launched the KAMI@Keluarga Malaysia Unity Plan 2021-2025.

KAMI, he said, is the acronym of “Karib” (Close), “Aksesibility” (Accessibility), “Majmuk” (Plurality) and “Inklusiviti” (Inclusivity) which are the four dimensions of the KAMI@Keluarga Malaysia Unity Plan 2021-2025.

“This is the most significant plan to achieve the national unity agenda. This plan was formulated based on a survey involving all layers of society focusing on cultural and religious diversity to ward off any attempts to disrupt unity in the country.

“Such exposure is also significant so that our community from different ethnicity could learn to control action and avoid from touching on sensitivities (sensitive matters deemed by) other religions as well as ethnicity cultures which often triggers a negative reaction.

“We aspire prosperity in Keluarga Malaysia which is the foundation of political stability, economy and society in the country.

“It is hoped that the National Unity Action Plan 2021-2030 and KAMI@Keluarga Malaysia Unity Plan 2021-2025 could strengthen unity which has long existed among the people in the country,” he said.

Present at the event was National Unity Minister Datuk Halimah Sadique.

Earlier in her speech, Halimah said 57 programmes have been planned under the National Unity Action Plan 2021-2030.

“The success and outcome of the plan hinge on the cooperation which transcends ministries, agencies, NGOs and the private sector who will be involved to realise on what has been planned,” she said. Nst

National Unity Action Plan aims to enhance unity based on Rukun Negara

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