No leakages in warship project – Hishammuddin
No leakages in warship project – Hishammuddin
The defence minister has given an assurance that the littoral combat ship procurement project will go through a transparent process without leakages and abuse of power or corruption.
Defence minister Hishammuddin Hussein said military procurement must be planned with an out-of-the-box approach as defence and national security matters could not be compromised.
The minister pledged that he and the leadership of the armed forces “will do what is necessary to ensure that the responsibilities we have, the trust that has been placed on our shoulders, we will fulfil to the best of our ability”.
Hishammuddin said a defence industry policy was being drafted, while amendments to the Armed Forces Fund Board Act had been approved to help contributors and protect the fate of veterans. FMT
No leakages in warship project – Hishammuddin
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