‘No more excuses’, Latheefa tells government, MACC as she reveals ‘full, unedited’ Sabah bribery videos

‘No more excuses’, Latheefa tells government, MACC as she reveals ‘full, unedited’ Sabah bribery videos

'No more excuses', Latheefa tells government, MACC as she reveals 'full, unedited' Sabah bribery videos

The former head of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) said she had obtained the full and unedited version of a series of shocking video clips implicating the Sabah chief minister and assemblymen of accepting bribes in return for mineral exploration licences.

Latheefa Koya, who headed the MACC until the collapse of the first Pakatan Harapan (PH) government in February 2020, also identified the man behind the videos as Albert and said it was shameful that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim had refused to grant him whistleblower protection.

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“What does a responsible government do when faced with evidence of this nature? It investigates promptly and thoroughly. And most importantly it provides protection to the informant, in this case Albert.

“But in Malaysia, to our shame, this did not happen,” she said at a press conference, accompanied by fellow lawyer Zaid Malek.


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Since last year, news portal Malaysiakini has published a series of video recordings it obtained from a businessman involved in a project in Sabah, showing state assemblymen discussing bribes ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions of ringgit.

Despite his letter to Anwar seeking protection as a whistleblower before lodging a report with MACC, the prime minister turned down the request, saying such a protection was only applicable for individuals who were “clean”.

This was followed by current MACC chief Azam Baki stating that the videos were “edited” and therefore not credible enough to be admitted as evidence.

Latheefa said that the excuse was no longer relevant now that the full version of the videos have been released.

“Albert has given me the full videos recorded by him. Full and unedited,” she said as she showed the original device used to record the videos.



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“These unedited videos have never been revealed before. I and Zaid have viewed the entire full version of all the videos. The evidence of corruption is clear, leaving no reason why there should not be swift action by the authorities.”

Latheefa said the material would be handed over to MACC today.

“There can be no more excuses not to investigate this matter. There can be no more feet-dragging,” she said.

Latheefa said Albert had received threats and had even been told by “someone high up” not to lodge report.

“I want to help put an end to this debate by the government and authorities with Albert about whether they will prosecute him or whether he will be given protection or whether he is a whistleblower or not, or whether he did it the right way etc.

“Where is the government’s priority? You let this evidence go to waste for months,” she added.

Latheefa, who recently dimissed Anwar’s claims that he was waging a “war on corruption” as a political theatre, said the authorities were duty-bound to protect Albert and use his testimony “to go after the big fish”.

“It is not in the public interest to arrest, remand or prosecute him and let the big fish escape. No government in the world does that.

“Do you really think the Malaysian public wants to see Albert arrested and prosecuted? Or does the public want Albert to be protected and his testimony used to take action after video evidence of potentially the worst corruption scandal since 1MDB?

“The answer is obvious. The public is watching. Do the right thing.”

‘No more excuses’, Latheefa tells government, MACC as she reveals ‘full, unedited’ Sabah bribery videos



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