BN could win 4 PAS strongholds in Ayer Kuning, says Umno man
BN could win 4 PAS strongholds in Ayer Kuning, says Umno man

PETALING JAYA: A Tapah Umno leader believes that Barisan Nasional (BN) might be able to break through four PAS strongholds in the state constituency of Ayer Kuning if the right campaign strategy is used.
At the 15th general election (GE15), PAS, representing Perikatan Nasional (PN), secured four predominantly Malay polling districts – Kampung Batu Masjid, Kampung Batu Tiga, Tanjong Keramat, and Changkat Petai – which together comprise 6,303 voters.
“If we play our cards right and assess the situation carefully, we could reclaim the areas that PAS won.
“Now that we’re part of the unity government, securing these polling districts should be easier with a combined voter base,” he told FMT.
Fahmi said the leadership and efforts of Perak menteri besar Saarani Mohamad to develop the state and Tapah could also influence voters, especially the younger generation which comprises 40% of the electorate.
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“There are many young voters now. We need to focus on the new voters so that they can see the changes that have taken place in our area under BN’s administration,” he said.
The Ayer Kuning by-election was triggered by the death of assemblyman Ishsam Shahruddin on Feb 22. Ishsam collapsed while playing in a football match in Penang.
He won the seat in GE15 with a 2,213-majority in a five-cornered contest.
The constituency has 32,035 registered voters: 56% Malay (18,035), 22% Chinese (6,943), 15% Indian (4,643), 7% Orang Asli (2,147), and 1% others (277).
Acting Tapah Umno chief Khairul Azmi Ghazali said voters in the area had grown more discerning and were less likely to be swayed by race, religion, and royalty (3R) sentiments, which heavily shaped previous general election campaigns.
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“Voters today are smarter, so we need to campaign in a smart manner, too. That’s twice as effective as a campaign without direction,” he said.
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