Cuepacs urges closure of all schools with Covid cases
The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (Cuepacs) has urged all schools with Covid-19 cases to be closed.
Its president, Adnan Mat, said institutions with new coronavirus cases have seen a steep decline in student attendance, as parents are wary of exposing their children to the infection.
He urged the schools to be temporarily closed to allow for necessary preventive measures to be taken.
“The closing of schools is necessary to identify close contacts, while reducing further transmission of the virus. Disinfection works can also be carried out efficiently.
“If the schools continue to operate with those with close contacts attending, we are worried the infection will get worse. Bear in mind that close contacts in schools are much greater,” he said today.
Adnan said he recalled that Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali had said that schools with Covid-19 cases among teachers, students or staff can be closed and have the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) imposed on them.
It is part of the standard operating procedures (SOP) outlined by the Health Ministry to curb the outbreak, he said.
“Our priority is to ensure the safety of the community and avoid Covid-19 infection,” Adnan added.
Among schools reporting new Covid-19 cases are Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Bangsar, which reported infections among students yesterday. Nst
Covid-19 ; MTUC urges govt to implement Covid-19 lockdown