Farah Lee ulas isu cerai dan anak

“I got divorced 10 days after Maream’s second birthday,” – Farah Lee ulas isu cerai dan anak

Personaliti media sosial, Farah Lee berkongsi di laman sosialnya bagaimana untuk memaklumkan kepada anak-anak soal perceraian ibu bapa, sementelah dia sendiri pernah mengharungi ujian yang sama.

Jelasnya, dia diceraikan 10 hari selepas menyambut hari lahir kedua anaknya, Maream Esabel. Ulasnya, anak harus difahamkan perpisahan yang berlaku bukan disebabkan mereka dan kedua-dua ibu bapa telah mencuba yang terbaik.

Malah perceraian bukanlah perkara tidak elok, ianya bergantung kepada persepsi masing-masing.

“Q: Macam mana nak bagitau anak2 yang ibu bapa dia sebenarnya dah bercerai.?

FL: Dengan bagitahu anak2 yang ibu bapa dia sebenarnya dah bercerai.

I got divorced 10 days after Maream’s second birthday. Since we made it official professionally at the court, so I have time to prepare myself, as well as Maream.

Told her that, her parents are getting divorced due to certain issues that are not related to her at all. That the decision has nothing to do with her presence, her behaviour, or simply her. That both her parents had tried hard and this is the best decision for us all. That regardless her family form; the distance; both her parents will always love her the same.

You think at the age of two, she would understand.? Hell no, she didn’t.

But I kept telling her anyways, because ‘divorce’ is a part of her and she HAS THE RIGHTS to know about it.

Now, she already understands, she even explained to kids her age what divorce means.

‘Divorce’ word is bad because YOU think it’s bad.

So you try hard to HIDE it from your child(ren). You made excuses, you create stories, worst you lie – just so your child won’t know that the parents is no longer together – because you don’t know when is the right time to tell them, because for you divorce is bad — RIGHT.?

Tell them right away – or before – better involve them in your discussion if you haven’t decided yet so they feel included. They have the rights to know (be involved) because they are PART OF THE FAMILY, and the decision affects their family form.

Things happened.

Farah pernah berkahwin dengan Ally Iskandar tetapi hanya bertahan selama empat tahun. Pasangan ini disahkan bercerai pada Ogos 2016 dan dikurniakan seorang cahaya mata, Maream Esabel. Utv

Farah Lee ulas isu cerai dan anak

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