Daughter Of Navy Officer Who Died In Tragic Crash Now Hugs Her Dad’s Clothes To Sleep

The entire family hopes that the authorities will carry out a thorough investigation on the case.

A Navy officer was killed in a tragic accident recently and his family is now struggling to cope with his loss

In an interview with Kosmo!, a family member of the deceased explained that Mohd Rizal Buseri’s death had taken a toll on his children, especially his eldest daughter.

The victim’s aunt, Nor Farhana Amir, told the Malay daily that all of his children have been asking for their father over the past several days.

Five-year-old Nur Amani Raudah now goes to sleep while holding onto her late father’s clothes

“The one that’s most affected by the loss is his eldest daughter Nur Amani. She often cries and says she misses her father. Even when she goes to bed, she would hug her father’s clothes,” said Nor Farhana.

She added that the entire family hopes that the authorities will carry out a thorough investigation on the case so that the perpetrator will be punished appropriately.

“The three children and his wife must be protected,” she said.

Mohd Rizal was buried on Saturday, 10 October, where his fellow officers gave him a Navy send-off

At 31 years old, he was killed after a speeding white Perodua Myvi rammed into his car while waiting at a traffic light.

Fire and Rescue Station (BBP) Larkin operations commander PKB II Nordatul Badrol Abd Rahman told Harian Metro that special equipment was required to extricate his body from the wreck.

The case is currently being investigated under Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 for reckless driving resulting in death, and Section 15 (1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952. Says

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